

Stay tuned for future events and check out our Instagram while we schedule new and helpful activities! @assettotheresistance

Free Money (Advice) Q & A

Want us to offer this to your community?

Do you have a rad group of folks who have questions about bookkeeping, taxes, personal finance or anything else having to do with money? Want to get them answered by some Radical Money People (RMPs) with an Asset to the Resistance Free Money Advice Q & A?

If so, please reach out. We will show up to your virtual (or possibly in-person) event, meet your peeps and answer questions about bookkeeping, taxes, money, and just about anything else having to do with finances.

We have the content and want to connect.

email us

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RMP EVENT: Happy Hour in the Park

AR Happy Hour in the Park

Tuesday, August 6th, 2019 5:30-7:30pm

Wilshire park
Northeast 33rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97212

Who we are:
Asset to the Resistance challenges the capitalist system through education about money.

Let us know if you are coming if possible so we can make sure to keep an eye out, or just come! Look for our emblem near our group. As we get closer we can let you know where we will be in the park. As a back up, we will plan to meet at the Knock Back on Alberta

Earlier Event: January 23
Free Money(Advice)!
Later Event: September 12
COMMUNITY EVENT: Free Money(Advice)!