Come get your bookkeeping, tax and finance questions answered by some Radical Money People (RMPs) with our Asset to the Resistance Free Money Advice, Virtual Edition!
Saturday, September 26th at 10am
We’re hosting this live virtual event to answer your questions about bookkeeping, taxes, personal finances, EIDL and PPP loans, and just about anything else having to do with finances. We will be hosting these virtual drop- in sessions twice a month moving forward (Last Saturdays at 10am and 2nd Thursdays @ 5pm!) but don't wait to come talk about this!
If you have questions you for sure want us to answer, email them by noon the day before to: and if we can, we'll try to have folks on the call you can answer your questions. Please put Virtual Study Hall in the subject line when you email us.
We will not be charging for this event but if you have the means to do so we’re encouraging folks to pay it forward.
Tell your Friends!
Join the Zoom Meeting -
Meeting ID: 854 1010 5896
Find your local number:
Please let us know if you have any accessibility requests and we will do our best to accommodate. Thanks for asking for what you need!